Tuesday, September 20, 2011

4 tools of interaction

The 4 tools of Computer Mediated Communication we are discussing are Prezi, Blogger, Webpage, and Twitter. Each of these 4 tools enables social interaction, personalization, active participation, and collaboration. Quoted by Tim O'Reilly from our reading, “Web 2.0 is a set of social, economic and technology trends that collectively form the basis for the next generation of the internet – a more mature, distinct medium characterized by user participation, openness and network effects.” After the webpage, we have seen cites like Prezi, Blogger and Twitter emerge.

In class we worked with Prezi, an educational and interactive cite for students and teachers. It is similar to powerpoint but it involves active participation. We also worked with Twitter, a social networking cite. Through this medium, we are able to update our followers about anything we want, anytime. Blogger is how we are going to post our opinions and responses to each others ideas.

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