When I search my name on Google I found that I had a digital footprint and this is probably because my name is uncommon. Links to the class Blog, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, High School awards, College awards, and information about where I live/where I’m from appeared. I was actually surprised as to how many links came up. In relation to the Pew article, someone could find information on my last job this past summer, my home address, and things I have written. I’m sure if I typed in more than just my name on Google, people would be able to find much more information on me.
It would be beneficial to everyone if there were increased standards of Internet safety. I’m lucky that my phone number, photos of me, and other more personal information aren’t searchable, however if someone really wanted to access this information they would be able to.
Because we cannot control what is searchable and not searchable, everyone needs to manage their image so that if a potential employer, or anyone for that matter, searches your name, only the information you’d want them to see would come up. Everyone should have appropriate social media profile pictures and display only appropriate information about your self.